
no glove, no love!

April 21, 2014 • About HCMB, advice, Culture, Dating, Health, Infidelity, Lifestyle, Love, Relationships, Safe Sex, Sex • Views: 2188

A few years ago I started a new job and at a work event a few days later I saw the cutest guy leaning against the wall avoiding the meeting inside, so I walked over and introduced myself – all business of course! We chatted briefly about why we were there and then went our separate ways into the crowd.

A few weeks later I saw him again at a fundraiser. This time he seemed very happy to see me and invited me to join him at his company table, where he attentively offered wine and charming conversation. We naturally found we had a lot in common, of course it certainly helped that he was high energy and hot. As we were leaving, he said, “let’s get together for a glass of wine.”

And a few days later we did. And then had dinner at a local favorite. And he was fun and quick and we had good conversations about his kids and work and everything under the sun and generally had a great time together. But then it went back to business.

And so it went. Every so often we would see each other at some sort of a function until a year later, when he asked me out to dinner to “catch up”. In our dinner conversation I mentioned I would be attending an event the next day and he said he was too, and asked me to join him and some friends for dinner before it and then sit with him in his seats for the event. The evening was very social and very fun, and so was he.

And then it went back to business again for 6 months until we were both at another work event and he didn’t want to eat the hotel chicken. He said he was so glad to see me sitting there when he walked in because he wanted to go get something better to eat and “catch up”. So instead of rubber chicken after the meeting we went to the trendy high-end sushi place and he caught me up on his life and his kids. And then, finally, it started.

He texted me to meet him for a spur of the moment dinner out the next week. Then the Friday after that he actually picked me up for a pre-planned dinner date. And then a few days later he took me on a double date with his friends to a postseason baseball game – a big one, memorable for it’s pouring rain finish and the kiss I got afterwards.

A week later we met at another work event, but this time we had a pre-arranged assignation for dinner later, with some hot kisses in the restaurant parking lot to follow. A few days thereafter he picked me up and took me out for dinner and brought me home for a hot and heavy make out session on the couch. And then we had the conversation.

“I’m not dating anyone else,” he says “you’re the only one I’m dating now”. He had told me previously about a few women in our area and business sphere that he had dated in the past. Now he says “The last two girls I dated were out-of-state. Both of them were 28. I have a couple friends with benefits, but I’m not dating anyone but you… I’m clean, I’ll show you my test!”

Now, this guy is almost exactly my age, which means he could have been his most recent two girlfriends’ father, albeit a young one… Plus, he informs me that they lived out of state which means a number of things – that he could continue to do whatever he wants when he wants and they won’t know, which goes for them too so he has no idea what or who they’re doing when they’re not with him either. And then he very kindly and honestly offers up the information that he has ongoing “friends with benefits” relations with a couple of other women. And who knows who they do when they’re not doing him!

“No glove, no love” I said, “you will have to wear a condom”… “Well, I’d rather not” he replies.

Really?!?!? So he’s not wearing one with all the other women he just mentioned either. I wonder if he’s just an adrenaline junkie or if he really has a death wish.

And so it ends.

I’ve seen him a few times since in the business milieu and we are always cordial…

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